Patient News & Information
Target Afternoon
Fareham Centre Practice will be closing the afternoon of the 25th Feburary for Staff training.
If you need medical advice in this time please call 111 or visit 111 online.
New Digital Triage for Minor Illnesses
The Centre Practice is now offering patients the option to Self-refer to local pharmacies for Minor Illnesses, these include:
• Cold or Flu symptoms
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Diarrhoea
• Skin / Rash issues
• Hay Fever
Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and can offer clinical advice and medicines for all sorts of minor ailments, with a same day consultation at a time that suits you.
The referral process is secure and easy to access. Please complete the digital triage on the link below to see if your condition is appropriate for self referral
(Please note: If you self-refer on a weekend, your referral will not be seen until the next working day)
Appointments for the week commencing 23rd December
Due to the Christmas & Boxing day bank holiday, as well as winter pressures, all of our appointments are booked for next week.
If you need medical assitance at this time please call 111 or in an emergency 999.
Thank you
Winter Newsletter
Its almost Winter!
Which means our PPG Winter Newsletter is Here.
For tips on how to stay safe to where to get vaccinations.
You can read it all by clicking the link above.
If you are subscribed to our newsletter it will be sent to you via email. You can subscribe at anytime by filling out our quick and easy submission form on our homepage.
Christmas Bank Holiday
Information for our patients:
We will be closed on Christmas day and Boxing day and will re-open on the 27th December.
If you need any medical attention in this time please call 111, or 999 in an emergency.
Please also take this time to order any repeat prescriptions that you know you will need over the holiday period.
You can do this by completing a form at the surgery or by going to our prescription page here
WHO World AMR Awareness Week
According to the World Health Organisation website "Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to anticirobial agents. As a result of drug resistance, anitbiotic and other antimicrobial agents become ineffectiveand infections become difficult or impossible to treat, increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death."
Worls AMR Awareness week (WAAW) is a global campaign to raise awareness and understanding of AMR and promote best practices among One Health stakeholders to reduce the emergence and spread of drug-reistant infections. WAAW is celebrated from 18-24 November every year.
To learn more, visit the WHO wesbite HERE
or watch the video below:
WHO World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) Video ( #AntibioticGuardian #KeepAntibioticsWorking )
Letters to GP's
There has been an increase in patients sending in letters to the practice addressed to GP's about their general health concerns, test results and seeking appointments through this medium.
We appreciate it might not always be simple to get through to us, but if you are seeking a routine appointment, please ring us on 01329 823456 or complete an econsult on this page.
all letters will scanned onto patients records but will not be reviewed by a GP.
Thank you
Remembrance day
In honour of rememberance day, we will be holding a 2 minute silence Monday 11th November at 11am
If you are planning on visiting the surgery at this time, please be patient and respectful to those who participate.
Act Fast Campaign
Monday 4th November, NHS England is launching the latest ‘Act FAST’ campaign. Increasing the general publics knowledge of the symptoms of a stroke, and response to any sign, no matter how small.
Earlier recognition of symptoms and immediate action enables faster access to specialist treatment and the best chance of reducing long-term effects such as disability. Stroke symptoms can be less dramatic, painful or obvious than expected, which can lead to a delay in people calling 999, while they wait to see if symptoms progress or improve.
The main symptoms of stroke are:
Face weakness,
Arm weakness,
Speech problems
Time, being of the essence, dial 999 immediatley in response to any sign, no matter how small.
For more information, or a list of other symptoms please visit the NHS website.
Referral information
If you are being referred via the e-referral system (previously known as choose & book), you will be sent referral booking/triage summary information. This paperwork will include instructions on your next step and the contact telephone number for the Outpatient Booking Centre. If you have any queries regarding your appointment, please ring the Outpatient Booking Centre on 02392 681700.
My Planned Care
We understand that waiting for a hospital appointment can be overwhelming.
The My planned care website gives you advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery. This includes giving you up to date information about waiting times at your hospital and other supporting and local services.
Mental Health Day 2024
World Mental Health Day is soon approaching on the 10th of October.
This year’s theme, which is set by the World Federation of Mental Health is Workplace mental health. This theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of organisations, communities and most importantly, the people.
You can go onto the Mental Health Foundation website to find ways you can get involved and support the cause
You can also check out the Every Mind Matters website for a range of free, NHS-evidenced support and resources.
On this World Mental Health Day, let’s come together to talk about mental health and show that mental health matters.
Patient Participation Group
Would you like to be a part of our Patient Participation Group?
The group meets at least twice a year to review the practice survey and plan improvements to the services we provide.
There is also a Fareham group where each of the ten practices in the area send a representative to discuss wider local issues.
So, if you are passionate about the Fareham community and how the practice provides for it, we would love to hear from you.
Go to our PPG page and fill out our sign up form today.
Reminder of our Zero Tolerance Policy
When contacting the surgery please remember, we are here to help you.
Our staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times without the risk of threatening behaviour or violence.
This behaviour will not be tolerated towards staff.
PPG Dementia Leaflet
In this leaflet you will find information, support numbers and symptoms which are often missed, put together by our Patient participation group.
It also importantly express's that 'It is possible to live well with dementia,' and that if supported 'people with dementia are able to continue enjoying activities they have always enjoyed and even to try new ones.'
If you would like more information, please contact the surgery.
If you would like to be a part of our PPG, you can find out how here
Summer Newsletter
We are fast approaching the first day of summer!
Excitment is in the air, and good weather looks to be on the horizon.
Would you like some tips from our PPG group about safety in the sun? Or prehaps tackling Hay fever?
You can read it all in their Summer Newsletter HERE
Pharmacy First
Did you know most Pharmacies can help with a range of common conditions without needing to see a GP?
The new Pharmacy First service was launched 31 January 2024 and adds to the existing consultation service. This enables community pharmacies to complete episodes of care for 7 common conditions following defined clinical pathways.
For more information of how a Pharmacy can help you, and for a list of the conditions, click the below link
Written Requests to Expedite Appointments
Often, patients are requested by the Hospital to obtain a letter from the GP so their appointment can be expedited.
Waiting a longer time for an appointment does not deem your request urgent. According to figures from NHS England, a total of 7.42 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of May 2023, the highest since records began in August 2007. As a result, we are unable to write letters to expedite your appointment.
If you are experiencing worsening of your symptoms, we advise you to contact your specialist directly so they can assess your condition and make the necessary arrangements. If you have difficulty in accessing your consultant, we advise you to contact PALS for assistance.
Patient Advice Liaison Service :: Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust